Due to decades of outdated departmental offices, Anderson County worked closely with Mike (while employed at a previous firm) to relocate Anderson County Summary Courts, Magistrate Offices, Legislative Delegation and Veterans-Affairs offices into the 26,000 square foot, two-story building on North Main Street. The spaces were designed to accommodate the public accessible departments while not compromising key security components. The renovation includes one 150 seat courtroom and 3 smaller courtrooms, deliberation rooms and support offices on the First Floor; Magistrate offices, 3 smaller Hearing rooms, Veterans-Affairs offices and Legislative Delegation offices on the Second Floor. The project was partly funded by the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009.

Size: 26,000 sq. ft. Renovation

Project Cost: $1,450,000

Ronald P. Townsend Government Building
Anderson, South Carolina

Why Our Process Works:

  • Anderson County had issued a bond to renovate the Koger Center, Townsend Building, and Courthouse. Another firm renovated the Koger Center and was significantly over budget and county determined that hopefully the Townsend Building could be renovated with remaining funds. We were awarded the renovation of the Townsend Building and were able to preserve $600,000 for the courthouse renovation.


Lakelands Commerce Park


Antrim Business Park