Tri-County Electric Cooperative Multi-Year Planning Study
Santee, Richland, and St. Matthews
MBM Consulting, LLC was contracted to complete a multi-year maintenance study for three Tri-County Electric Cooperative facilities. This study looked at repairing or replacing asphalt and concrete in parking, storage and traffic areas, general annual maintenance requirements at each location, perimeter fencing conditions and replacement costs as needed and gate replacement costs. Cost estimates were provided based on architectural planning and contractor quotes for all replacement, repair and construction items.
At the St. Matthews location, additional proposal items were included in the study. These items include addressing site drainage issues, loading dock repair, heavy duty and light duty asphalt repaving, a new concrete slab for the laydown yard, construction of a damaged transformer building, a 4825 square foot warehouse expansion and 4700 square foot new crew quarters building. Automatic gate operator controls were quoted for this facility.
This study serves as a tool for Tri-County Electric Cooperative to make informed decisions in planning and scheduling their facility improvements.